באתר זה תוכלו לנווט דרככם דרך מאגר החומרים אשר פותחו על-ידי המכון והקהילות הצועדות בדרך כפר. החומרים מיועדים להנחלת תפיסת 'דרך כפר' וללמידה משותפת של צוותי מחנכים, הרוצים לראות עצמם כמבוגרים משמעותיים בעולמם של החניכים. כלל החומרים שתמצאו באתר נועדו לאפשר בחינה תודעתית-רגשית והתבוננות מחודשת על המעשה החינוכי.
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On this site you can navigate through the database of materials developed by the institute and the communities marching along the village road. The materials are intended to instill a concept of 'through the village' and for the joint learning of educator teams, who want to see themselves as significant adults in the world of the trainees. All the materials you will find on the site are intended to allow for a mental-emotional examination and a re-examination of the educational act.
New developments

Study sheets and study halls
A wide variety of source pages around issues from an educator's desk. The pages are intended for Beit Midrash study in a team setting and are accompanied by guidance sets

Workshops and houses required
A variety of workshop sets designed for training and advanced training of education and treatment teams. The workshops allow for in-depth study of the concept of 'Derech Kfar' and dealing with everyday educational issues and are accompanied by rich methodology alongside applied thinking.

Texts and visual materials
A database of triggers (text / image / audio / video) collected from various sources for the purpose of examining attitudes and educational discussion on various issues (the institute does not stand behind the approach presented in the text or video but seeks to see them as triggers from time to discussion. For creators and publishers) h